Machine Learning [FULL COURSE]

5 (1 avaliações)

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Machine Learning [FULL COURSE]

Machine learning is the science of getting computers to act without being explicitly programmed. In the past decade, machine learning has given us self-driving cars, practical speech recognition, effective web search, and a vastly improved understanding of the human genome.

This course provides a broad introduction to machine learning, datamining, and statistical pattern recognition. Topics include: (i) Supervised learning (parametric/non-parametric algorithms, support vector machines, kernels, neural networks). (ii) Unsupervised learning (clustering, dimensionality reduction, recommender systems, deep learning). (iii) Best practices in machine learning (bias/variance theory; innovation process in machine learning and AI). The course will also draw from numerous case studies and applications, so that you\'ll also learn how to apply learning algorithms to building smart robots (perception, control), text understanding (web search, anti-spam), computer vision, medical informatics, audio, database mining, and other areas.

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Conteúdo programático:

Aula #1 - Lecture 1.1 — Introduction What Is Machine Learning — [ Machine Learning | Andrew Ng ]
Aula #2 - Lecture 1.2 — Introduction Supervised Learning — [ Machine Learning | Andrew Ng ]
Aula #3 - Lecture 1.3 — Introduction Unsupervised Learning — [ Machine Learning | Andrew Ng]
Aula #4 - Lecture 2.1 — Linear Regression With One Variable | Model Representation — Andrew Ng
Aula #5 - Lecture 2.2 — Linear Regression With One Variable | CostFunction — Andrew Ng
Aula #6 - Lecture 2.3 — Linear Regression With One Variable | Cost Function Intuition #1 | Andrew Ng
Aula #7 - Lecture 2.4 — Linear Regression With One Variable | Cost Function Intuition #2 | Andrew Ng
Aula #8 - Lecture 2.5 — Linear Regression With One Variable | Gradient Descent — [ Andrew Ng]
Aula #9 - Lecture 2.6 — Linear Regression With One Variable | Gradient Descent Intuition — [ Andrew Ng]
Aula #10 - Lecture 2.7 — Linear Regression With One Variable | Gradient Descent For Linear Regression
Aula #11 - Lecture 2.8 — What\'s Next — [ Machine Learning | Andrew Ng | Stanford University]
Aula #12 - Lecture 3.1 — Linear Algebra Review | Matrices And Vectors — [ Machine Learning | Andrew Ng]
Aula #13 - Lecture 3.2 — Linear Algebra Review | Addition And Scalar Multiplication — [Andrew Ng]
Aula #14 - Lecture 3.3 — Linear Algebra Review | Matrix Vector Multiplication — [ Machine Learning | Andrew Ng]
Aula #15 - Lecture 3.4 — Linear Algebra Review | Matrix-Matrix Multiplication — [ Andrew Ng ]
Aula #16 - Lecture 3.5 — Linear Algebra Review | Matrix Multiplication Properties — [ Andrew Ng ]
Aula #17 - Lecture 3.6 — Linear Algebra Review | Inverse And Transpose — [ Machine Learning | Andrew Ng]
Aula #18 - Lecture 4.1 — Linear Regression With Multiple Variables - (Multiple Features) — [ Andrew Ng]
Aula #19 - Lecture 4.2 — Linear Regression With Multiple Variables -- (Gradient Descent For Multiple Variables)
Aula #20 - Lecture 4.3 — Linear Regression With Multiple Variables | Gradient In PracticeaI Feature Scaling
Aula #21 - Lecture 4.4 — Linear Regression With Multiple Variables | Gradient In PracticeaI | Learning Rate
Aula #22 - Lecture 4.5 — Linear Regression With Multiple Variables | Features And Polynomial Regression
Aula #23 - Lecture 4.7 — Linear Regression With Multiple Variables | Normal Equation Non Invertibility
Aula #24 - Lecture 4.6 — Linear Regression With Multiple Variables | Normal Equation — [ Andrew Ng]
Aula #25 - Lecture 5.1 — Octave Tutorial || Basic Operations — [ Machine Learning | Andrew Ng]
Aula #26 - Lecture 5.2 — Octave Tutorial || Moving Data Around — [ Machine Learning | Andrew Ng]
Aula #27 - Lecture 5.4 — Octave Tutorial || Plotting Data — [ Machine Learning | Andrew Ng]
Aula #28 - Lecture 5.5 — Octave Tutorial || While If Statements And Functions — [ Andrew Ng ]
Aula #29 - Lecture 5.6 — Octave Tutorial || Vectorization — [ Machine Learning | Andrew Ng]
Aula #30 - Lecture 5.7 — Octave Tutorial || Programming Exercises — [ Machine Learning | Andrew Ng]
Aula #31 - Lecture 5.3 — Octave Tutorial || Computing On Data — [ Machine Learning | Andrew Ng]
Aula #32 - Lecture 6.1 — Logistic Regression | Classification — — [ Machine Learning | Andrew Ng]
Aula #33 - Lecture 6.2 — Logistic Regression | Hypothesis Representation — [ Machine Learning | Andrew Ng]
Aula #34 - Lecture 6.3 — Logistic Regression | Decision Boundary — [ Machine Learning | Andrew Ng]
Aula #35 - Lecture 6.4 — Logistic Regression | Cost Function — [ Machine Learning | Andrew Ng]
Aula #36 - Lecture 6.5 — Logistic Regression | Simplified Cost Function And Gradient Descent — [ Andrew Ng]
Aula #37 - Lecture 6.6 — Logistic Regression | Advanced Optimization — [ Machine Learning | Andrew Ng]
Aula #38 - Lecture 6.7 — Logistic Regression | MultiClass Classification OneVsAll — [Andrew Ng]
Aula #39 - Lecture 7.1 — Regularization | The Problem Of Overfitting — [ Machine Learning | Andrew Ng]
Aula #40 - Lecture 7.2 — Regularization | Cost Function — [ Machine Learning | Andrew Ng | Stanford University]
Aula #41 - Lecture 7.3 — Regularization | Regularized Linear Regression — [ Machine Learning | Andrew Ng]
Aula #42 - Lecture 7.4 — Regularization | Regularized Logistic Regression — [ Machine Learning | Andrew Ng]
Aula #43 - Lecture 8.1 — Neural Networks Representation | Non Linear Hypotheses — [Andrew Ng]
Aula #44 - Lecture 8.2 — Neural Networks Representation | Neurons And The Brain — [Andrew Ng]
Aula #45 - Lecture 8.3 — Neural Networks Representation | Model Representation-I — [ Andrew Ng ]
Aula #46 - Lecture 8.4 — Neural Networks Representation | Model Representation-II — [Andrew Ng]
Aula #47 - Lecture 8.5 — Neural Networks Representation | Examples And Intuitions-I — [ Andrew Ng]
Aula #48 - Lecture 8.6 — Neural Networks Representation | Examples And Intuitions-II — [ Andrew Ng]
Aula #49 - Lecture 8.7 — Neural Networks Representation | MultiClass Classification — [Andrew Ng]
Aula #50 - Lecture 9.1 — Neural Networks Learning |
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Module 1: Machine Learning [FULL COURSE]

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Plano Gratuito Grátis
  • 30 dias de acesso grátis*
  • Prazo de carência de 120 days**
  • Certificate of completion***
  • Acesso imediato
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* O prazo de acesso ao conteúdo do curso é válido durante a vigência da mensalidade ou compra avulsa.
** O prazo de carência refere-se ao tempo total de espera para que um usuário possa iniciar um outro curso na plataforma.
*** O certificado de conclusão do curso é oferecido separadamente para compra avulsa em dois formatos: digital para download e impresso via Correios.

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